Know How to Clean Your Stair Carpet Effectively

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Who’s there not looking for a carpeted staircase? Having a well-textured carpet can add texture, colour and extra boost as a safe indoor environment to your house. However, many homeowners opt for plastic runners, but these are nothing but temporary relief. Here are some cool tips professionals follow and recommend people who do carpet cleaning on their own-

Choose the Right Vacuum: 

Similar to maintaining the carpet sprawling across your floors, your staircase carpet needs regular vacuuming. Nothing can beat the effectiveness of the vacuuming to take out the dirt, debris, gravel- if any of these left untreated, it may turn into something disastrous. However, standard vacuum cleaners are not designed to clean the staircase. Since the standard vacuum clears are bulky in nature, it is quite difficult to move them across the stairs. Thus, carpet cleaning professionals in Hawthorn recommend using the hand-held and lightweight one that comes with various attachment options.

Use a Brush Attachment: 

With the use of hose, you can suck up the surface dirt as well as filthy dirt particles laying under the carpet. Using the roller attachment or brush can improve the result. Carpet cleaning professionals in Brighton use the brush or roller attachment to enhance the result that looks like a beater brush found in the standard vacuum. Besides loosening up the dirt, it ensures the longevity of your carpet.

Stiff Broom Cleaning: 

Many people still prefer cleaning with a stiff broom to sweep the staircase carpet. Through, these broom styles are lightweight compared to a traditional vacuum cleaner, but it needs a few treatments before getting cleaned with stiff broom brooming. But before cleaning, opt for vacuuming. And, while sweeping, start from the upper stairs and gradually gets down to the stairs below. Sweep every step meticulously until the debris get accumulated on the bottom floor.

Steam Clean:

Just like floor carpets, you need to steam clean the staircase carpet with a steam cleaner with hand-held hose attachment.

Hand Scrubbing: 

Not satisfied with the cleaning the machine, you can opt for shampooing the carpet using the hand. Experts consider it one of the best spot cleaning methods. Want light lather to generate while shampooing? Mix water with the cleaning solution and use the scrub brush to scrape out the liquid as much as possible from the carpet.

The most interesting part about hiring a professional carpet cleaning in Bundoora is- you will find it a great deal since they are equipped with several cleaning equipment and accessories that you no more have to buy any of these and not even have to compromise with your busy schedule. While vacuuming, experts suggest to start from the top and slowly work your way down.

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